Procession is an ambient sound sculpture designed for Inversions, an exhibition of contemporary art inspired by the late architect Louis Kahn. It is a site-specific soundwalk that navigates between the exhibition and Kahn's Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island, in New York City. Starting from the gallery, one can walk to the southernmost point of Four Freedoms Park (approx 20 minutes).
Procession is composed into four distinct sections representing the walk between the gallery and the park - Main Street, the riverside promenade, the beginning of Four Freedoms Park and the tip of the park overlooking the water. For each section, field recordings were collected on location using binaural (spatial audio) techniques. These binaural soundscapes were then processed using sound resynthesis methods to be aligned into the larger sculpture.
Procession reflects and contours the cityscape and park spaces, transmuting along the way in forms that employ negative space, symmetry and balance - much inspired by the work of Kahn.